Estate Planning and Pets?

The Ison family has always been pet lovers! Over the years we’ve enjoyed fish, geckos, turtles, bunnies, cats, and dogs. Our loyal, friendly, loving Golden Retrievers, Ziva and Gibbs, have been coming to the office for nearly the past ten years greeting all who visit us. Ziva and Gibbs even make cameos in some of our social media posts. From Ziva’s insistent nuzzle to your elbow reminding you to pet her to Gibb’s big sweet eyes, they bring smiles and the opportunity to forget everything else except the love and joy they bring. What would we do without our pets? AND What would our pets do without us?


Pandemic Significantly Effects Pets

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on the lives of pets. Pet adoptions soared at the beginning of the complete lockdown and extended time working from home. Overcrowded pet shelters were emptied, and it was difficult to find a new pet. During the surge of the pandemic, extended hospital stays and death sometimes left beloved pets, with no one home to take care of them. What would happen to your pet if you were suddenly unable to provide love, companionship, food and shelter? Would someone step into your role? Or would your pet be left suffering, scared, and alone?

You could leave it to chance. Or you could make a plan.

The Very First Step

Before you speak to a lawyer, think about who you would like to have physical custody of your pets after you pass. Talk with trusted family members and friends about who would be willing to not only open their home to your pet, but also love and care for them as you would. Or, if you are unable to find a person who would accept that responsibility, think about organizations that align with your principles of providing daily care for your pets for the rest of their lifetime. Now is the time to have a candid conversation with the chosen individual or organization to discuss the level of commitment and expenses associated with the care your pet. This step takes time but must be complete before designing your plan.

Experience with Pet Trusts

We have included pet provisions as part of our client’s estate plans whenever needed. We have the experience and background to make sure your wishes for your pet are part of your plan.

We encourage you to call us at 614-336-3083 to ensure that your beloved pet will be cared for in the event of your passing or should you become incapacitated and unable to care for them.

Send us a picture of your pets to email: and we will include your pet on our Friends of Ison Law page of our website.


Looking to find experienced Estate Planning Lawyers in Ohio skilled in Asset Protection and Estate Planning? Ison Law is a law firm in Powell, Ohio, with over 35 years of experience in estate planning and asset protection. If you have questions about estate planning, contact Ison Law, and we will be glad to answer all the estate planning questions you have!